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Claire Ptak's recipe

Rhubarb and vanilla crumble


Pastry chef and author Claire Ptak, who owns Violet Bakery and is a Cook School Ambassador, has shared her rhubarb and vanilla crumble recipe – one of her daughter Frances’ favourite things to make – for our Mother’s Day Box. We’ll deliver all the ingredients children need to make this delicious, seasonal pink rhubarb and vanilla crumble treat, including full, easy instructions and kitchen skills for children to learn.

“Cook School is the coolest project to teach our children how to cook for themselves. Kids eat more healthily when they know how to cook.” Claire Ptak, Violet Bakery, Hackney, London. “So much joy comes from cooking with family and friends that can’t be experienced from a takeaway. If a child can grow up knowing how to cook a few basics, they will also be much more self-sufficient and independent. Plus kids love it!”



Sustainability is at the core of our business. Our recipes are designed to be both good for us and for the planet and are based on making the most of seasonal fresh fruit and veg.

All of our packaging can be recycled or composted and we strive to be plastic free.

Donation Scheme

Please get involved in any way you can, either by donating or telling your friends and family about us.


New Cook School Store coming soon...

Exact Ingredients

Every box contains the exact ingredients needed for the recipe minimising food waste


All packaging is compostable or recyclable and we strive to be plastic free. Our boxes contain super fresh seasonal fruit and vegetables

Delivered Every Fortnight

Our Cook School recipe box will be delivered to your home every fortnight